23andMe – A New Genealogy Testing Service
April 18, 2012 by DNA Genie
Filed under Genealogy DNA News
A new genealogy testing service is online and it’s called 23andMe (get it? there are 23 pairs of chromosomes…). Anyway, 23andMe is unique in that they offer something they call “Personal Genome Service.” When you pay for your test, you also get a year’s subscription to the service, which includes: Access to hundreds of comprehensive […]
Welcome to Who Do You Think You Are? Fans!
February 25, 2012 by DNA Genie
Filed under Genealogy DNA News
Many of you might be visiting our site after watching Blair Underwood on the third season of the hit show “Who Do You Think You Are?” Of particular interest in Mr. Underwood’s episode is that he found a 10th cousin using DNA testing for genealogy! Naturally, this is one of my favorite all-time shows and […]